Hah! Absence undone! I am back. Ehem! I was a little preoccupied with one of the fanfiction stories that I've been working on. You see, I've been working on this particular story for three years, and now after writing blocks, stopping for about a year (don't worry, I just stopped writing this story--not writing in particular.), I have reason to finally celebrate.
It was only three days from the second to last chapter that I put up, that I wrote the last and final chapter. After all the tailspins, cliffhangers from the muse; this baby was complete. A total of 56,693 words had been written. I could rejoice. In fact, I did just that--I got up and jumped up and down. The days previous to this joyous moment had been long, yet all worth it.
I learned a great lesson as a writer, in a whole new level: plug away at every word, line and sentence. Don't ever settle for giving up. The days may seem long when writing, but remember that every chapter or line that you write is a goal accomplished--not just when you finish writing the story.
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