Sunday, January 8, 2012

Project X: Moving In

Almost forgot that I wrote this. And I'm pretty sure there's some other forgotten stories out there that will need to be dusted off when found and pulled off the shelf. Ehem. Continue on.

Yes, these are short, but I have no intention of making it longer. There will be several of these. Don't worry your pretty little heads. 

And it's named 'Project X' because this piece doesn't have a name yet. Enjoy! 

“I think that’s the last box.” Alexx uttered, putting down the box and dusting off her hands. She looked around the partially empty house and at the boxes that were scattered all over the floor.

The front door opened and a plump, cherry cheeked man appeared. “That’s it.” He announced with a large, friendly smile.  “So if you’d sign here that everything was delivered, we’ll get out of your way so you can start unpacking.” 

“Alright.” Eagerly she agreed as he held out the paper to sign. “Thank you for all your help today.” Offering, she finished signing and smiled up at him. “I appreciate it.”

Grabbing the edge of his hat, he tipped it towards her. “No, thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you.” Taking the clipboard into hand, he started walking back towards the door. “Hope everything works out for you here.” And with that he turned forward and took rather large strides across the wood floor.

“Thanks.”She offered, waving her hand at him, she watched him disappear. With the house so quiet, she listened to the man instruct to the movers that they were finished and to pack up their gear. She watched them momentarily from the window and made her way into the kitchen.

Her purse had been sitting there in the middle of the table, from early yesterday morning, until now.  It had been long forgotten and it probably wasn’t the safest location with all the workers that had been coming back and forth into her house, but she had been too busy telling them which rooms to put the boxes all day.

And now she was starving and she knew that she had nothing in her new fridge that would be worthy of eating. "I guess I should do some shopping." She told herself, and quickly looked through her purse to make sure everything was there.

When she realized nothing had been touched, she made her way outside and could already see her car sitting there in the driveway. Frankly, she would have loved to park in the garage, but with some many boxes of items that didn't have places to be put, then she would have to park in the driveway until further notice.

No doubt that her parking in her driveway advertised, "NEW NEIGHBOR”—that is if the rather large moving truck that had been occupying her side of the street hadn’t screamed that already.

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